ALERT… Breaking News…!!! We are launching a new rental service for our easyTravelseat. You can pick it up for as little as £38.00 + p&p a week!

Never before, have wheelchair users had the opportunity to rent such a product that provides so much value starting at £38.00 + p&p a week. We believe this will now make air travel even more accessible and affordable.

How will the rental service work?

  1. Choose what size easyTravelseat and type of cushioning (if any) you want to rent
  2. Select the duration of hire – minimum of 7 days
  3. At checkout select the format you would like our  rental hire agreement to be sent in
  4. Submit the booking request for rental
  5. We shall triage the booking and confirm availability
  6. Complete our hire agreement form including payment
  7. Upon payment confirmation, we will send your easyTravelseat 2 business working days prior to hire start date
  8. You have the option at the end of the rental period to purchase the easyTravelseat
  9. If you choose not to purchase, you must return your easyTravelseat within 2 business working days after the hire end date
  10. We will quality check the easyTravelseat and confirm completion of the rental hire agreement unless any charges may apply.

How much is the easyTravelseat going to cost to rent?

easyTravelseat experiences, more than just aircraft use

Many of our customers realise the wider benefits other than just flying with the easyTravelseat. Wheelchair users use it to access areas you thought weren’t always possible, for example:

  • Accessing the sea
  • Getting into boats
  • Sitting in a taxi or a sports car
  • Transferring into a dentist chair
  • Getting into a ski seat
  • Accessing a Kayak
  • Getting into a helicopter
Ross Lannon, a UK blogger using the easyTravelseat to pay a visit to the beach!


All plane assistants love Claire’s seating , so thank you , makes life so much easier !


I’ve found it good so far which is brilliant, and like I said my confidence is better than normal now.


Fantastic Josh, just got back from Greece – your product is excellent.


I used your travel seat earlier in the year and it was fantastic. Much better than using other slings.
